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When I was a kid I loved to DIG in the dirt. I would bury all my G.I. Joe action figures, and DIG them back up and wash them off, and they would be like new! It was fun getting filthy! In the 70's I heard the word DIG used to mean you liked something.  A few days ago in my Bible study I was reading Philippians 1:21b when I noticed Paul was not your average guy!  Paul tells us that for him to live is Christ and to Die Is Gain! What about that? Paul lived his life in such a way that he didn't fear death. In fact you could even say that he DIGged death. He was excited about where he was going to spend his eternity. How could Paul have the attitude that he DIGs death, that death could be a positive? As we look closer at the verse Paul lets us in on the secret. He said he lived his life as Christ would have him to. He let  Christ be the Lord of his life!! So at the end of his life he was confident that his eternity was set. Even though someone would DIG a hole 6ft deep hole and bury him. He knew Christ loved playing in the dirt, so one day Christ would come back DIG him back up, clean him up, give him a brand new body, and that he would spend eternity with Jesus in heaven forever!! Paul knew that Jesus had defeated death, and because of Christ Paul could DIG death! Paul defined death as to:




Now what about you do you want to quit fearing death? Ask Christ to come into your life, and take control. Then get ready to start to DIG death!! Because of Christ we don't have to fear death!! Enjoy your day:)

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